Our customers have 14 days from delivery of the item to make a return request: any return will be the Buyer's responsibility, assuming the Seller or shipper has delivered the item in good condition.
The best way to avoid returns is to describe the item as well as possible to avoid surprises to the Buyer. In the event of a return request, the item sheet will be reviewed, particularly photos, video, description and condition. If intOndo decides that the listing was incomplete or inadequate, the Seller will be charged shipping and return fees.
Reasons for return can be:
- damaged or broken item upon delivery: if not repairable, the Buyer will be refunded the entire purchase and the person responsible for the damage will be assessed. If it is the responsibility of the carrier, the Seller will still receive his payment, otherwise he will incur penalties assessed on a case-by-case basis.
- item does not conform to description: intOndo assesses nonconformity by examining the ad, if there is no conformity between the ad and the item sold the customer will be refunded the price of the item, shipping costs will be borne by the Seller who will not be paid the price of the item.
- dissatisfaction: the buyer has 14 days from delivery to request the return of the item if they are dissatisfied with the purchase. Return shipping costs are the responsibility of the Buyer. The Seller is not repaid the price of the item. If the item is damaged during shipping by the Buyer you can request insurance assistance and consider a possible refund.